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Updated: May 27, 2023


Maintaining a healthy weight is a common challenge across all continents and cultures. Overall though, Westerners seem to struggle with it the most. Therefore, in this article you will learn about 6 herbs that are especially recommended to improve metabolism and burn fat naturally. Yes, food intake, food quality, and movement definitely play a role. But they're not the only factors involved in weight loss, especially as we age. The combination of increased stress and responsibility along with metabolic health issues, menopause/andropause, and increased toxic load are also often to blame. Ayurveda has a long tradition of using a combination of herbal, spiritual, and lifestyle remedies to help rebalance metabolic imbalances for easier, more sustainable weight management.

“Fortunately, we can use specific herbs to help nourish and balance the organs that govern our metabolic system. This, combined with specific lifestyle changes, can often help to “tip the scales” favorably when other efforts have failed.”


In very basic terms, metabolism is the process in which our cells convert what we eat and drink into energy. Despite this simplified definition, metabolism is a complex process that involves many organs and systems, including the thyroid, hypothalamus, pancreas, liver, chemical messengers within the digestive system, and the cardiovascular system. The idea behind a "slow" or "aged" metabolism contributing to weight/BMI is a bit confusing and misleading, because it doesn't exactly relate to our cells' ability to convert food into energy (because if our cells stopped do that, they would die!). Rather, it's more about how the key players in our metabolic system (those organs mentioned above, along with other hormonal and chemical processes) work, individually and as a holistic system. Ayurveda sees metabolic deficiencies a little differently than the West, characterizing them under the syndrome: "Prameha". Which includes conditions involved in obesity, prediabetes, diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. Lifestyle influences this, as does toxic load, age, stress levels, food choices, sleep quality, etc. Fortunately, we can use specific herbs to help nourish and balance the organs that govern our metabolic system. This, combined with specific changes to the lifestyle , can often help to “tip the scales” favorably when other efforts have failed.


Before we get into herbs, it's important that we discuss lifestyle changes that can have a positive impact on metabolism.


Getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night for adults reduces the risk of metabolic diseases while helping to optimize metabolic function.


Specifically, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been associated with a lower risk of metabolic syndrome, better metabolic markers, balanced blood sugar, and a reduced risk of many metabolic diseases.


It is one of the great keys to a healthy metabolism. Chronic stress interferes with all of our organs and systems, including our sleep cycle, our digestion, and our body's ability to keep blood sugar in balance.


Yoga practice has been shown to reduce a variety of risk factors for metabolic syndrome in obese postmenopausal women. It has also been shown to be effective in regulating lipid metabolism and total body energy expenditure. This is in line with Ayurvedic principles that use yoga as a stress-relieving spiritual practice and a full-body workout that helps rebalance the doshas, ​​organs, and systems.


It should not be surprising that lower caloric intake is associated with a positive effect on metabolism and insulin secretion. Many experts also recommend reducing your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, which can contribute to fatty or pre-fatty liver disease and interfere with healthy glucose metabolism.


It has also been shown to be effective in helping people achieve and maintain a lower BMI. Although more research is needed, a plant-based diet is considered beneficial for improving metabolism and supporting weight loss. This is also in line with Ayurvedic dietary principles, which largely focus on plant-based eating.


For centuries, Ayurveda and other traditional systems have combined herbs with lifestyle changes to positively impact metabolism and weight management. Here are some time-tested favorites.


As one of the most studied herbs on the planet, it should come as no surprise that Turmeric can have a positive impact on metabolism. Its benefits are multifaceted, with research showing it supports normal glucose metabolism, inflammatory levels, liver function, pancreatic cell function, BMI, leptin levels, insulin secretion, and metabolic health in general. Turmeric is one of our best sellers and can be found in our Turmeric Formula , as Turmeric Powder or as Tulsi Turmeric Ginger .


In Ayurveda, the healthy metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is closely related to the health of the liver and kidneys. Your liver is your number 1 organ for burning fat and neutralizing toxins. And your kidneys are responsible for removing waste from the body and maintaining fluid homeostasis. This makes them a natural team for keeping your detox pathways strong. Therefore, Katuki, found in the Liver Kidney supplement and Tulsi Cleanse tea , is often recommended as a broad-spectrum support that detoxifies, nourishes, and rejuvenates these hard-working organs.


Ginger is one of the most used herbs in Ayurveda. Many practitioners use it several times a day to support digestive fire, boost immunity, and add flavor to cooking. With regard to metabolism, the naturally "hot" flavor of Ginger is believed to help stoke the digestive fire and assist with proper transport of nutrients. It is also a staple to support cardiovascular health, fat metabolism, and blood sugar balance. Modern research supports these traditional uses and shows that supplementing with Ginger combined with Cinnamon may help maintain healthy weight, glucose and leptin levels, while providing antioxidant protection. You can find it as Powdered Ginger or in the infusions Tulsi Lemon Ginger and Tulsi Turmeric Ginger .


Risk factors for metabolic imbalance include cardiovascular problems such as unbalanced cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and inflammatory response. Madagascar Periwinkle, also known as Sadabahar, has been shown to be effective in maintaining the balance of all of these functions. In Ayurveda, its supporting effects on blood sugar and the normal inflammatory response are believed to have downstream benefits for the heart and cardiovascular system. Research has shown that the combination of antioxidant flavonoids and vinpocetine-like compounds are likely responsible for many of these benefits. The plant alkaloid, reserpine, has also shown a positive effect in maintaining normal blood pressure.


Thyroid health is at the core of metabolic function. And thyroid imbalances are extremely common these days, especially in women. Therefore, when we support the thyroid, we naturally give our metabolic system a much-needed boost. Ashwaghanda , also known as Indian ginseng, is a powerful adaptogen that supports your body's response to stress while protecting and supporting healthy thyroid function in cases of hypothyroidism. Research confirms this, as Ashwagandha extract has been shown to promote normal thyroid function and thyroid hormone production.


Like Ginger, Cinnamon has a warming effect on our organs and systems. In Ayurveda and other traditional systems, Ceylon Cinnamon is the gold standard when it comes to supporting long-term health. Research has found that Cinnamon helps promote normal glucose metabolism in the liver and insulin response in the bloodstream. When combined with Ginger (as mentioned above), it also supports a healthy weight, inflammatory response, and glucose and leptin levels.


The slow metabolism theory of weight gain has some truth to it. But, it really has more to do with the health of your entire metabolic system than the ability of your cells to generate energy from food and drink. So, if you're having trouble achieving a healthy weight and/or burning fat, try some of these proven lifestyle changes along with the herbs that suit your needs. As always, if you are not sure which herbs would be beneficial for you, please consult an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Original Article from Organic India USA

Indiaveda was born with the illusion of sharing the ancestral wisdom of India in a modern and close way, allowing the knowledge, herbs and supplements related to Ayurveda and Yoga to reach more people interested in leading a healthy and conscious life.

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