A headache is a pain experienced in the head. There are many types of headaches, most of them symptomatic of an imbalance in the blood. Some headaches come from:
Stress / Tension - Tension headaches (Vata) usually strike when a person is holding stress and tension in the body, particularly around the shoulders, neck, and jaw. Regular self-massage (abhyanga) with sesame oil will also work on reducing tension, worry, and anxiety that leads to headaches.
Sudden exposure to cold food - Such as when drinking a cold drink. This type of headache is usually temporary.
Heat / Sun exposure - Heat exhausts the liver (disturbs Pitta), which then disturbes blood chemistry leading to the headache. Liver heat tends to create a 'vertex headache' - a headache at the top of the head.
PMS / Menstrual Related - Balance hormones, and address liver's ability to process hormones.
Dehydration - Dehydration causes the brain to shrink, leading to pain. If headaches are due to dehydration, an electrolyte balancing drink of warm water, a pinch of mineral salt, and a squeeze of lime can be taken before meals.
Sinus inflammation - This type of headache is typically in the forehead, behind the eyes, or in the cheeks. Congestion headaches (Kapha) occur as a result of excess mucus in the respiratory tract and sinuses. Excess mucus forms as a result of eating a rich, heavy diet of Kapha provoking foods. These headaches tend to occur more at the front of the head, around the nose and sinus area. The pain is usually less intense but can feel heavy and dull. These headaches tend to be worse in winter and spring, particularly if you are prone to seasonal allergies.
Toxicity (ama) - Caused by exposure to environmental toxins, constipation, or fermentation in the bowels. In this type of headache, pain is generally intermittent and located at the back of the head (occipital), but it tends to migrate.
Colic / spasms of the blood vessels - Creates a throbbing headache. Frequently associated with toxins in the blood.
Each type has its own causes, symptoms, and remedies.
What time of day, month year?
When did it start?
Weekends or just work days?
Where in your head is the pain?
Toxicity Headaches
Headaches may be a result digestive toxins(ama)in the colon. Haritaki can be used to reduce toxic accumulation and relieve constipation. A gentle enema may also be effective as it cleanses and nourishes the colon, helping relieve excess Vata and tension.
Migraines develop when there are high levels of ama in the blood. They are generally associated with Pitta dosha and an overheated liver. For more about migraines, click here.
More on Sinus Headaches
To reduce congestion headaches, first clear any accumulated mucus from the head and sinuses. Nasya oil helps decongest and clear the sinuses, lifting the heavy feeling from the head. Aneti pot with a saline solution can also help keep the nasal passages and sinuses clear. Even a hot shower or placing a warm, damp towel over your face for a few minutes can help liquefy mucus. Avoid heavy, cold, sweet, and fried food, as these produce more mucus in the body and can lead to congestion type headaches. Instead, favor a lighter diet of Kapha pacifying meals.
Mustard Seed
Nigella (black cumin)
Scallions (Raw)
Bee Breath (Bhramari Pranayama)
How to do Bee Breath (Bhramari Pranayama)
This technique is contraindicated in instances of: pregnancy, high BP, epilepsy, chest pain, active ear infection. Do not practice lying down.
Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing.
Place your thumbs in your ears, your index fingers above your eyebrows, and your remaining along the sides of your nose. Keep each pinky finger near a nostril.
Breath in deeply through the nose. First, feel the diaphragm move down, allowing the lungs to expand and forcing the abdomen out; then feel your chest expand with your collar bones rising last.
Breathe out through the nose while humming. Note that the humming sound should originate in your throat, not as a result of your partially-blocked nostrils.
Repeat three times.
In collaboration with Joyfull belly
With Gratitude
Gabriela Ana
Holistic Health Coach
DISCLAIMER: The pathogenesis of each person's condition is unique, and so the diet must be fit to the individual and the unique root causes of the condition in your body. The information on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be used to treat a medical condition. It is not a substitute for medical care. Please check with your doctor before making any changes to your health and wellness routine.